21 sep 2006

Bicycle Ballet

No cabe duda que la bici no sirve sólo para transportarnos, sino para darnos mil satisfacciones en la vida. Algunas personas en Inglaterra se juntaron para hacer un performance con bicicletas al que denominaron "Bicycle Ballet" y que tiene como objetivo hacer conciencia sobre el uso de la bicicleta y sus beneficios. Muy buena idea, y por cierto falta un dia para el dia mundial sin auto.

The Bicycle Ballet is a fantastical choreography on bicycles exploring the sheer ecstatic joy you feel as you swerve downhill on a bike; the wind behind you and the sun on your face, tempered by the gritty reality of urban cycling - manoeuvering amongst traffic, pollution, theft, vandalism and securely locking your bike.

The Bicycle Ballet is a 30 minute outdoor performance by a core group of 6 artist/cyclists/acrobats and up to 100 volunteer performers – individuals, people from community groups and local cycling clubs. The core performers dance and cycle between set formation pieces offering a strong overall visual impact and character based on stories inspired by people’s cycling experiences – learning to ride, fall off, tricks – and memories.

Mas información en su sitio: Bicycle Ballet.
Foto por La Cyclista.

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1 comentario:

sewin dijo...

que lindo!
hay que hacer arte con la bici, porque es un arte pedalear por la vida.